A legvégső filozófia ezen a cslogon. A bartosizmus abszurd filozófiai kísérlet, ami hosszú távon igazoltan tudatmódosító hatással bír. Az itt bemutatott gyakorlatok, gondolatok és életforma könnyen károsíthatják az Önök egészségét, de egyrészt még mindig kevésbé, mint egy "fejlett" ipari társadalomban élni, másrészt mi is az "egészség" és léte mióta magától értetődő érték?

"A Moslékfőző csollap az élőétel, a Bartosizmus az Ebroniton a készülő főfogás" - ahogy mesterünk mondja. A bartosizmust kommentáljátok szabadon! Minden észrevételért, kérdésért, kérésért, ötletért szpaszíba! A bartosizmus a három T filozófiája: Tanuljátok, Tanítsátok, Terjesszétek!

Aki bármivel, általunk ihletett írással, videóval vagy bármilyen szellemi alkotással hozzájárulna a csloghoz, ne habozzon azt jelezni. Aki rendelkezik Bartos Cs. István, Bartos Csaba vagy "Moslékfőző" Bartos Cs. Pisti által írt kézirattal vagy általa készített képpel, amit megosztana velünk - kölcsönadna másolásra - jelezze levélcímünkön. A Bartos Archívum minden hozzájárulást örömmel fogad.

Levélcímünk az ebroniton: bartosizmus@gmail.com

Tanítómesterünk csollapja: http://moslekfozo.atw.hu/

2010. április 5., hétfő

Bartos wikiquote

Bartosism is the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end of everything. I did not invent bartosism, I simply named it. You may not know bartosism but bartosism knows you and one day it will come on you.

Some people ask me why bartosism is the ultimate philosophy. Well, I maybe wrong but you have to prove it. Make your own "isms" which is better.

We're only walking compost. All our ideals are shit. Bartosism is the only true reality.

(On Bartosism)

Bourgeois society tells you to find yourself in property, in cars, whores or mobile phone skins. I found myself in losing myself in bartosism.

(On individualism)

A lot of people tell that communist dictatorships failed. Of course they failed, that’s why these people are still alive. Communism can only be successful when it leaves no witnesses alive. To tell the truth, it’s best to kill everyone involved. Let's see the example of North Korea. There should be a couple of hundred people by now and how many they are? Millions. What a fuck they've been doing?

The hungarian communist establishment always consisted of philantropists trying to manage an agnus dei breeding farm. I don’t know why they didn’t form a church choir instead.

My grandfather worked three years in the Soviet Union knowing only four words in russian. That was well enough.

(On communism)

Revolution was always betrayed by idealists and intellectual philantropists. Revolution isn't for mankind. It's against mankind.

If communists were half as ruthless as their enemies, they could destroy the world in a generation's time.

I once tried to set up a guerilla army of homeless but they didn't wanted to fight. They still had too much to lose.

No one is really hungry in a modern society. I can find a dozen pieces of bread in the garbage any time.

When I look around, I don't see any mankind, only some annoying crowd.

Civilized life is the opium of the masses.

(On revolution)

It's sad a lot of people don't understand a metaphor. One day I called a guy a shitface and he hit me. He didn't understand it was a metaphor.

(On poetry)

You are what you eat. If you eat civilized you think civilized. That means you're not real to me.

(On eating)

I’m not drinking two bottles of liquor a day because I’m alcoholic. I’m doing it because I like it.

(Bartos on his heavy drinking)

Rats can be used in eight ways. "Women" only three.

(Bartos on gender roles and beauty industry)

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